Your wedding, planned by professionals

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Written By WeddingsWays Staff

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Do you remember the busy and meticulous Jennifer Lopez in the movie ‘Wedding Plans’? And the all-powerful Marion St. Clare, as Manhattan’s most in-demand wedding planner in ‘Bride Wars’? They are two cinematographic examples of a profession that in the United States already has a long tradition: that of “weeding planner” or wedding planner. In Spain, this service has already become a booming option for future and busy couples.

In the Spanish version of the American “weeding planner” you can find professionals who plan and manage every detail: the wedding dress, the groom’s wardrobe and the party, the banquet, the flowers, the decoration, the invitations, the vehicle, the music, the Photography,, and even the honeymoon. The bride and groom will only have to supervise, approve and discard, and look forward to their big day.

An a la carte wedding

  • Normally, the first thing is to know in depth the needs of the couple, to know how they imagine their wedding day and to study the budget they have to adjust it to the services they wish to hire. The second step is to close the key date, synchronizing the ceremony and the banquet. From there, the event is designed and an appointment schedule is drawn up to decide on the contracting of each service (costume test, closing menus, makeup test…). “The most important thing is that everything is coordinated under the close supervision of the future bride and groom and that they feel fully identified with the preparations,” explains Caridad Ruiz, director of Lunas de Boda, a Madrid company that was created by professionals with extensive experience in the field of event organization and the wedding sector.
  • After the peaceful wait, in which a team of professionals has taken care of making a tailor-made wedding, now only the third and last step remains: living the big day. If the couple wishes, a person from the team will be in charge of taking care of and coordinating every detail on site so that the day runs perfectly.
  • Each wedding is new and each couple a world, there are those who prefer a classic link and those who sign up for the thematic link fashion. In the case of Lunas de Boda, “our team is in charge of create a tailor-made wedding, from the romantic one with the release of white butterflies included, to the original one set in the medieval Sherwood Forests “, explains the director of Lunas de Boda. The limit is only in the imagination of each couple.

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